KURDISH CINEMA ANTHOLOGY (1978-2007) part 1/3
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Here is the final Kurdish cinema trailer, with almost the 90% of Kurdish cinema (and films about kurds) made in the world. The klip is dedicated to Halîl Uysal, film director who died on 1th April, 2008, and to all brave kurdish and non-kurdish directors who have been dealing with the Kurdish issue.
Halîl Uysal Filmography was:
2007- Ein Lied für Zagros
2006- Beritan
2002- Tall Mirror (Eyna Bejnê)
2002- Tirej
Song: Mem û Zîn
Artist: Mazlum Çimen
Film Editing: Azad Kanjo
Note: I wanted to sum up the history of kurdish cinema. But there are also some non-kurdish movies dealing with the Kurdish problem (like “Journey to the Sun”, “The Wind Will Carry us” or Handan Ipekçi films), which help to understand the Kurdish reality and also the kurdish cinema.
Note 2: I missed some Kurdish movies because I haven’t them or because They haven’t been released yet.
Note 3: Bahman Ghobadi once said: “Kurdish cinema is like a pregnant woman. One must help her to give birth”. Answering that question, I think the baby is out, mr. Ghobadi. And now, We must help him to grow up.
List of all the films:
1) SÜRÜ (Zeki ökten, 1978) “The Herd / Kêrî”
2) YOL (Yilmaz Güney, 1982) “The Way / Rê”
3) MEM Û ZÎN (Umit Elçi, 1991) “Mem & Zin”
4) KLAMEK JI BO BEKO (Nizamettin Ariç, 1992) “A song for Beko”
5) SÎYABEND Û XECÊ (Sahin Gök, 1993) “Siyabend & Xece”
6) DE ZWIJGENDE REIZIGER (Ibrahim Selman, 1994) “A silent traveler / Rêwîtîya bê Deng”
7) DE JONGEN DIE NIET MEER PRAATTE (Ben Sombogaart, 1996) “The Boy who stopped talking / Zarokê Nedipêyvî”
8) GÜNESE YOLCULUK (Yesim Ustaoglu, 1999) “Journey to the Sun / Rêwîtîya ber bi Rojê”
9) BAD MA RA KHAHAD BORD (Abbas Kiarostami, 1999) “The Wind will carry Us / Ba dê li ser me Bigirî”
10) TAKHTÉ SIAH (Samira Makhmalbaf, 2000) “Blackboards / Textê Reş”
11) ZAMANI BARAYÉ MASTI ASBHA (Bahman Ghobadi, 2000) “A Time for Drunken Horses / Dêma Hêspan Serxwêş”
12) FOTOGRAF (Kazim Öz, 2001) “The Photograph”
13) BÜYÜK ADAM KÜÇÜK ASK (Handan Ipekçi, 2001) “Hejar”
14) GOMGASHTEI DAR ARAGH (Bahman Ghobadi, 2002) “Marooned in Iraq / Awaza Dayika Niştiman”
15) VODKA LEMON (Hiner Saleem, 2003) “Vodka Lemon / Vodke Lêmon”
16) KLEINE FREIHEIT (Yüksel Yavuz, 2003) “A Little bit of Freedom / Pariyek Azadî”
17) LAKPOSHTHA PARVAZ MIKONAND (Bahman Ghobadi, 2004) “Turtles Can Fly / Kûsî jî Dikarin Bifirin”
18) KILOMÈTRE ZÉRO (Hiner Saleem, 2005) “Kilometre Zero”
19) BRUDERMORD (Yilmaz Arslan, 2005) “Fratricide / Birakujî”
20) NIWEMANG (Bahman Ghobadi, 2006) “Half Moon / Nîvê Heyvê”
21) BÊRÎTAN (Halîl Uysal, 2006) “Beritan”
22) DOL (Hiner Saleem, 2007)
23) SAKLI YÜZLER (Handan Ipekçi, 2007) “Hidden Faces / Rûyên Veşartî”
24) MIN DÎT (Miraz Bezar, 2009) “Children of Diyarbakir”
“Cinema is the greatest achievement in our lives”.
Enjoy It.